iphone के साथ क्या किया 🤫🤫🤫🤫 * Fun Testing * #shorts #techmaster

This is 10,000/- RS
apple iphone 14 professional max. We are going to water
examination of this phone. It started blinking as quickly
as we put it into the water. Now, some people say you can place
the damp phone in sunshine it will dry Maintain it inside a rice bag or dry.
it with a clothes dryer then additionally will dry out. And exactly how much reality is there in all these
points, we will familiarize today. This phone has
completely washed The white display
is still blinking. Some noise is coming from it, currently the phone
is entirely dead Now we will keep it in a rice bag. The phone is still not
opening/switching On Yet its charging
port contains rice It still has a whole lot of water left,
Now let'' s placed it in sunlight, Guy after keeping this in sunlight
for so long, still there is extinction in this And also water droplets are
still coming out of it Currently its time to make use of the dryer Well, absolutely nothing is happening to
it after doing all these points, currently allow'' s put it on billing All these methods are not at
all functioning on this phone.That means all these techniques are of no use. Now we will certainly open this phony iPhone and see what is the issues inside it.

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